
Latest version: v0.10.10

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- ability to set image rotation for usb cameras
- allow custom check if automations can be started
- offloading more cpu computations into process pool
- updated packages (line_profiling of async functions works now)
- bugfixes & cleanup


- introduction of `hardware.is_simulation` and `.is_real`
- try connecting to real hardware if it is available


- providing rosys.ui.update_interval as a global guide for ui.timer calls
- improved path planning
- improved usb camera handling
- providing a robot name
- robot infos are now backuped, too
- ability to create simulated cameras and detections
- bugfixes


- more general world.cameras
- allow downscaling of images via REST parameter "shrink"
- fixed camera projections
- adding humanize lib for nicer output
- rewrote detector actor to fix possible 100% cpu endless cycless
- bugfixes




- made RoSys compatible with Python 3.10
- connected state for usb cameras
- flag to signal if robot is charging
- parsing "non-core" Lizard lines
- updated dependencies

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