- Upgrade to NiceGUI 1.4.22, Pillow 10.3.0, and IDNA 3.7 to fix dependabot alerts (falkoschindler) - Exclude Uvicorn version 0.29.0 to avoid backup problems during teardown (falkoschindler) - Refactored run_arp_scan to remove the interface parameter, simplifying network camera detection across all network interfaces (angelom93)
New features and enhancements
- Add `pressed_estop` list to track pressed estop buttons (92 by Johannes-Thiel, falkoschindler) - Introduce `LazyWorker` to allow awaiting `Detector.detect()` (93, 94 by falkoschindler) - Add py.typed file to mark this repo as typed (95 by codingpaula)
New features and enhancements
- Introduce logging page (91 by falkoschindler) - Compute a more robust clock offset (90 by falkoschindler) - Add support for multiple MJPEG cameras via a single IP (88 by NiklasNeugebauer)
- Fix support for Python 3.10 (87 by zhuoqun-chen, falkoschindler)
New features and enhancements
- Improve ESP activation (83 by angelom93) - Add support for custom detector upload logic (82 by rodja) - Improve functionality of IMU module using quaternions and Euler angles (81 by Johannes-Thiel, falkoschindler)
- Add docstrings for robot modules (85, 86 by Johannes-Thiel, falkoschindler)
New features and enhancements
- Parameterize the connection checking behavior of the keyboard control (78 by codingpaula) - Add `charge_detect_threshold` parameter to `BmsHardware` (76 by angelom93)
- Avoid creating duplicate camera routes (79 by codingpaula) - Fix parsing of Lizard's e-stop messages (77 by Johannes-Thiel)
- Fix links to Robot Brain and Learning Loop product page (80 by leonstafford)
New features and enhancements
- Consistently handle points behind the camera when projecting from and to an image (72, 75 by codingpaula, falkoschindler) - Stop steerer when client connection is interrupted (73 by codingpaula, falkoschindler) - Introduce module to interface with HTTP MJPEG camera streams (71 by NiklasNeugebauer) - Rework KPI page (70 by codingpaula) - Move esptool dev dependency to main dependencies (68 by rodja)