Backward incompatible changes:
- `job.status` has been removed. Use `job.get_status()` and `job.set_status()` instead. Thanks selwin!
- `FailedQueue` has been replaced with `FailedJobRegistry`:
* `get_failed_queue()` function has been removed. Please use `FailedJobRegistry(queue=queue)` instead.
* `move_to_failed_queue()` has been removed.
* RQ now provides a mechanism to automatically cleanup failed jobs. By default, failed jobs are kept for 1 year.
* Thanks selwin!
- RQ's custom job exception handling mechanism has also changed slightly:
* RQ's default exception handling mechanism (moving jobs to `FailedJobRegistry`) can be disabled by doing `Worker(disable_default_exception_handler=True)`.
* Custom exception handlers are no longer executed in reverse order.
* Thanks selwin!
- `Worker` names are now randomized. Thanks selwin!
- `timeout` argument on `queue.enqueue()` has been deprecated in favor of `job_timeout`. Thanks selwin!
- Sentry integration has been reworked:
* RQ now uses the new [sentry-sdk]( in place of the deprecated [Raven]( library
* RQ will look for the more explicit `RQ_SENTRY_DSN` environment variable instead of `SENTRY_DSN` before instantiating Sentry integration
* Thanks selwin!
- Fixed `Worker.total_working_time` accounting bug. Thanks selwin!