
Latest version: v1.16.2

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- Compatibility with RQ 1.0 (Thanks selwin). Backward incompatible changes include:
* `FailedQueue` is now replaced by `FailedJobRegistry`
* RQ now uses `sentry-sdk` to send job failures to Sentry.
- Scheduler now respects default `timeout` and `result_ttl` defined in `RQ_QUEUES`. Thanks simone6021!
- Minor improvements and bug fixes. Thanks selwin!


* Fixed a bug that may cause jobs from intermediate queue to be moved to FailedJobRegistry. Thanks selwin!


* Added `worker_pool.get_worker_process()` to make `WorkerPool` easier to extend. Thanks selwin!


* Added a way for jobs to wait for latest result `job.latest_result(timeout=60)`. Thanks ajnisbet!
* Fixed an issue where `stopped_callback` is not respected when job is enqueued via `enqueue_many()`. Thanks eswolinsky3241!
* `worker-pool` no longer ignores `--quiet`. Thanks Mindiell!
* Added compatibility with AWS Serverless Redis. Thanks peter-gy!
* `worker-pool` now starts with scheduler. Thanks chromium7!


* Fixed a bug that may cause a crash when cleaning intermediate queue. Thanks selwin!
* Fixed a bug that may cause canceled jobs to still run dependent jobs. Thanks fredsod!


* Added `Callback(on_stopped='my_callback)`. Thanks eswolinsky3241!
* `Callback` now accepts dotted path to function as input. Thanks rishabh-ranjan!
* `queue.enqueue_many()` now supports job dependencies. Thanks eswolinsky3241!
* `rq worker` CLI script now configures logging based on `DICT_CONFIG` key present in config file. Thanks juur!
* Whenever possible, `Worker` now uses `lmove()` to implement [reliable queue pattern](https://redis.io/commands/lmove/). Thanks selwin!
* Require `redis>=4.0.0`
* `Scheduler` should only release locks that it successfully acquires. Thanks xzander!
* Fixes crashes that may happen by changes to `as_text()` function in v1.14. Thanks tchapi!
* Various linting, CI and code quality improvements. Thanks robhudson!

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