
Latest version: v1.16.2

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Not secure
(February 6th, 2013)

- `ended_at` is now recorded for normally finished jobs, too. (Previously only
for failed jobs.)

- Adds support for both `Redis` and `StrictRedis` connection types

- Makes `StrictRedis` the default connection type if none is explicitly provided


Not secure
(January 23rd, 2013)

- Restore compatibility with Python 2.6.


Not secure
(January 18th, 2013)

- Fix bug where work was lost due to silently ignored unpickle errors.

- Jobs can now access the current `Job` instance from within. Relevant
documentation [here](http://python-rq.org/docs/jobs/).

- Custom properties can be set by modifying the `job.meta` dict. Relevant
documentation [here](http://python-rq.org/docs/jobs/).

- Custom properties can be set by modifying the `job.meta` dict. Relevant
documentation [here](http://python-rq.org/docs/jobs/).

- `rqworker` now has an optional `--password` flag.

- Remove `logbook` dependency (in favor of `logging`)


Not secure
(September 3rd, 2012)

- Fixes broken `rqinfo` command.

- Improve compatibility with Python < 2.7.


Not secure
(August 30th, 2012)

- `.enqueue()` now takes a `result_ttl` keyword argument that can be used to
change the expiration time of results.

- Queue constructor now takes an optional `async=False` argument to bypass the
worker (for testing purposes).

- Jobs now carry status information. To get job status information, like
whether a job is queued, finished, or failed, use the property `status`, or
one of the new boolean accessor properties `is_queued`, `is_finished` or

- Jobs return values are always stored explicitly, even if they have to
explicit return value or return `None` (with given TTL of course). This
makes it possible to distinguish between a job that explicitly returned
`None` and a job that isn't finished yet (see `status` property).

- Custom exception handlers can now be configured in addition to, or to fully
replace, moving failed jobs to the failed queue. Relevant documentation
[here](http://python-rq.org/docs/exceptions/) and

- `rqworker` now supports passing in configuration files instead of the
many command line options: `rqworker -c settings` will source

- `rqworker` now supports one-flag setup to enable Sentry as its exception
handler: `rqworker --sentry-dsn="http://public:secretexample.com/1"`
Alternatively, you can use a settings file and configure `SENTRY_DSN
= 'http://public:secretexample.com/1'` instead.


* Added the capability to create periodic (cron) and repeated job using `scheduler.enqueue`



Flask-RQ2 follows the `CalVer <http://calver.org/>`_ version specification
in the form of::




The ``MINOR`` number is **not** the month of the year. The ``MICRO`` number
is a patch level for ``YY.MINOR`` releases and must *not* be specified for
inital ``MINOR`` releases such as ``18.0`` or ``19.2``.

.. snip

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