
Latest version: v1.16.2

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Not secure
(April 14th, 2015)

- Support SSL connection to Redis (requires redis-py>=2.10)
- Fix to prevent deep call stacks with large queues


Not secure
(March 9th, 2015)

- Resolve performance issue when queues contain many jobs
- Restore the ability to specify connection params in config
- Record `birth_date` and `death_date` on Worker
- Add support for SSL URLs in Redis (and `REDIS_SSL` config option)
- Fix encoding issues with non-ASCII characters in function arguments
- Fix Redis transaction management issue with job dependencies


Not secure
(Jan 30th, 2015)

- RQ workers can now be paused and resumed using `rq suspend` and
`rq resume` commands. Thanks Jonathan Tushman!
- Jobs that are being performed are now stored in `StartedJobRegistry`
for monitoring purposes. This also prevents currently active jobs from
being orphaned/lost in the case of hard shutdowns.
- You can now monitor finished jobs by checking `FinishedJobRegistry`.
Thanks Nic Cope for helping!
- Jobs with unmet dependencies are now created with `deferred` as their
status. You can monitor deferred jobs by checking `DeferredJobRegistry`.
- It is now possible to enqueue a job at the beginning of queue using
`queue.enqueue(func, at_front=True)`. Thanks Travis Johnson!
- Command line scripts have all been refactored to use `click`. Thanks Lyon Zhang!
- Added a new `SimpleWorker` that does not fork when executing jobs.
Useful for testing purposes. Thanks Cal Leeming!
- Added `--queue-class` and `--job-class` arguments to `rqworker` script.
Thanks David Bonner!
- Many other minor bug fixes and enhancements.


Not secure
(May 21st, 2014)

- Raise a warning when RQ workers are used with Sentry DSNs using
asynchronous transports. Thanks Wei, Selwin & Toms!


Not secure
(May 8th, 2014)

- Fix where rqworker broke on Python 2.6. Thanks, Marko!


Not secure
(May 7th, 2014)

- Properly declare redis dependency.
- Fix a NameError regression that was introduced in 0.4.3.

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