
Latest version: v1.16.2

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* Support for RQ 1.14. Thanks Cerebro92 and selwin!
* Show scheduler PID information in admin interface. Thanks gabriels1234!
* Added `serializer` argument to `rqworker` command. Thanks gabriels1234!
* Added `USERNAME` and `SENTINEL_KWARGS` support. Thanks joachimBurket!


* Able to show multiple execution results for each job (requires RQ v1.12). Thanks selwin!
* Various admin interface improvements. Thanks selwin!


* Added `--max-jobs` argument to `rqworker` management command. Thanks arpit-goel!
* Remove job from `ScheduledJobRegistry` if a scheduled job is enqueued from admin. Thanks robertaistleitner!
* Minor code cleanup. Thanks reybog90!


* `Redis.from_url` does not accept `ssl_cert_reqs` argument for non SSL Redis URL. Thanks barash-asenov!


* Better integration with Django admin, along with a new `Access admin page` permission that you can selectively grant to users. Thanks haakenlid!
* Worker count is now updated everytime you view workers for that specific queue. Thanks cgl!
* Add the capability to pass arbitrary Redis client kwargs. Thanks juanjgarcia!
* Always escape text when rendering job arguments. Thanks rhenanbartels!
* Add `never_cache` decorator to all Django-RQ views. Thanks Cybernisk!
* `SSL_CERT_REQS` argument should also be passed to Redis client even when Redis URL is used. Thanks paltman!


* Added `ssl_cert_reqs` and `username` to queue config. Thanks jeyang!

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