
Latest version: v1.16.2

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Not secure
(August 5th, 2012)

- Reliability improvements

- Warm shutdown now exits immediately when Ctrl+C is pressed and worker is idle
- Worker does not leak worker registrations anymore when stopped gracefully

- `.enqueue()` does not consume the `timeout` kwarg anymore. Instead, to pass
RQ a timeout value while enqueueing a function, use the explicit invocation

q.enqueue(do_something, args=(1, 2), kwargs={'a': 1}, timeout=30)

- Add a `job` decorator, which can be used to do Celery-style delayed

from redis import StrictRedis
from rq.decorators import job

Connect to Redis
redis = StrictRedis()

job('high', timeout=10, connection=redis)
def some_work(x, y):
return x + y

Then, in another module, you can call `some_work`:

from foo.bar import some_work

some_work.delay(2, 3)


Not secure
(August 1st, 2012)

- Fix bug where return values that couldn't be pickled crashed the worker


Not secure
(July 20th, 2012)

- Fix important bug where result data wasn't restored from Redis correctly
(affected non-string results only).


Not secure
(July 18th, 2012)

- `q.enqueue()` accepts instance methods now, too. Objects will be pickle'd
along with the instance method, so beware.
- `q.enqueue()` accepts string specification of functions now, too. Example:
`q.enqueue("my.math.lib.fibonacci", 5)`. Useful if the worker and the
submitter of work don't share code bases.
- Job can be assigned custom attrs and they will be pickle'd along with the
rest of the job's attrs. Can be used when writing RQ extensions.
- Workers can now accept explicit connections, like Queues.
- Various bug fixes.


Not secure
(May 15, 2012)

- Fix broken PyPI deployment.


Not secure
(May 14, 2012)

- Thread-safety by using context locals
- Register scripts as console_scripts, for better portability
- Various bugfixes.

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