
Latest version: v1.16.2

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* Fixed lock management error. Thanks chaffeqa!


- Fixed an issue where `job.save()` may fail with unpickleable return value.


- Replace `job.id` with `Job` instance in local `_job_stack `. Thanks katichev!
- `job.save()` no longer implicitly calls `job.cleanup()`. Thanks katichev!
- Properly catch `StopRequested` `worker.heartbeat()`. Thanks fate0!
- You can now pass in timeout in days. Thanks yaniv-g!
- The core logic of sending job to `FailedQueue` has been moved to `rq.handlers.move_to_failed_queue`. Thanks yaniv-g!
- RQ cli commands now accept `--path` parameter. Thanks kirill and sjtbham!
- Make `job.dependency` slightly more efficient. Thanks liangsijian!
- `FailedQueue` now returns jobs with the correct class. Thanks amjith!


- You can now view deferred, finished and currently active jobs from
admin interface.
- Better support for Django 1.8. Thanks epicserve and seiryuz!
- Requires RQ >= 0.5.
- You can now use StrictRedis with Django-RQ. Thanks wastrachan!


- Fixes a bug that prevents fetching jobs from `FailedQueue` (765). Thanks jsurloppe!
- Fixes race condition when enqueueing jobs with dependency (742). Thanks th3hamm0r!
- Skip a test that requires Linux signals on MacOS (763). Thanks jezdez!
- `enqueue_job` should use Redis pipeline when available (761). Thanks mtdewulf!


Not secure
- Added `rqenqueue` management command for easy scheduling of tasks
(e.g via cron

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