
Latest version: v1.16.2

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* Support for RQ 1.14. Thanks HerrTxbias!
* Added `result_ttl` and `ttl` arguments to `scheduler.cron()`. Thanks marcelblijleven!


- Compatibility with Redis 3.0. Thanks dash-rai!
- Added `job_timeout` argument to `queue.enqueue()`. This argument will eventually replace `timeout` argument. Thanks selwin!
- Added `job_id` argument to `BaseDeathPenalty` class. Thanks loopbio!
- Fixed a bug which causes long running jobs to timeout under `SimpleWorker`. Thanks selwin!
- You can now override worker's name from config file. Thanks houqp!
- Horses will now return exit code 1 if they don't terminate properly (e.g when Redis connection is lost). Thanks selwin!
- Added `date_format` and `log_format` arguments to `Worker` and `rq worker` CLI. Thanks shikharsg!


- Added support for Python 3.7. Since `async` is a keyword in Python 3.7,
`Queue(async=False)` has been changed to `Queue(is_async=False)`. The `async`
keyword argument will still work, but raises a `DeprecationWarning`. Thanks dchevell!


- `Worker` now periodically sends heartbeats and checks whether child process is still alive while performing long running jobs. Thanks Kriechi!
- `Job.create` now accepts `timeout` in string format (e.g `1h`). Thanks theodesp!
- `worker.main_work_horse()` should exit with return code `0` even if job execution fails. Thanks selwin!
- `job.delete(delete_dependents=True)` will delete job along with its dependents. Thanks olingerc!
- Other minor fixes and documentation updates.


- `job` decorator now accepts `description`, `meta`, `at_front` and `depends_on` kwargs. Thanks jlucas91 and nlyubchich!
- Added the capability to fetch workers by queue using `Worker.all(queue=queue)` and `Worker.count(queue=queue)`.
- Improved RQ's default logging configuration. Thanks samuelcolvin!
- `job.data` and `job.exc_info` are now stored in compressed format in Redis.


- More Django 1.10 compatibility fixes. Thanks dmwyatt!
- Improves performance when dealing with a large number of workers.
Thanks lucastamoios!

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