
Latest version: v1.16.2

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* Added `scheduler.count()`. Thanks smaccona!
* `scheduler.get_jobs()` now supports pagination. Thanks smaccona!
* Better `ttl` and `result_ttl` defaults for jobs created by `scheduler.cron`. Thanks csaba-stylight and lechup!


Not secure
- Jobs that depend on job with result_ttl == 0 are now properly enqueued.
- `cancel_job` now works properly. Thanks jlopex!
- Jobs that execute successfully now no longer tries to remove itself from queue. Thanks amyangfei!
- Worker now properly logs Falsy return values. Thanks liorsbg!
- `Worker.work()` now accepts `logging_level` argument. Thanks jlopex!
- Logging related fixes by redbaron4 and butla!
- `job` decorator now accepts `ttl` argument. Thanks javimb!
- `Worker.__init__` now accepts `queue_class` keyword argument. Thanks antoineleclair!
- `Worker` now saves warm shutdown time. You can access this property from `worker.shutdown_requested_date`. Thanks olingerc!
- Synchronous queues now properly sets completed job status as finished. Thanks ecarreras!
- `Worker` now correctly deletes `current_job_id` after failed job execution. Thanks olingerc!
- `Job.create()` and `queue.enqueue_call()` now accepts `meta` argument. Thanks tornstrom!
- Added `job.started_at` property. Thanks samuelcolvin!
- Cleaned up the implementation of `job.cancel()` and `job.delete()`. Thanks glaslos!
- `Worker.execute_job()` now exports `RQ_WORKER_ID` and `RQ_JOB_ID` to OS environment variables. Thanks mgk!
- `rqinfo` now accepts `--config` option. Thanks kfrendrich!
- `Worker` class now has `request_force_stop()` and `request_stop()` methods that can be overridden by custom worker classes. Thanks samuelcolvin!
- Other minor fixes by VicarEscaped, kampfschlaefer, ccurvey, zfz, antoineleclair,
orangain, nicksnell, SkyLothar, ahxxm and horida.


Not secure
- Job results are now logged on `DEBUG` level. Thanks tbaugis!
- Modified `patch_connection` so Redis connection can be easily mocked
- Customer exception handlers are now called if Redis connection is lost. Thanks jlopex!
- Jobs can now depend on jobs in a different queue. Thanks jlopex!


Not secure
- Add support for `--exception-handler` command line flag
- Fix compatibility with click>=5.0
- Fix maximum recursion depth problem for very large queues that contain jobs
that all fail


Not secure
(July 8th, 2015)

- Fix compatibility with raven>=5.4.0


Not secure
(June 3rd, 2015)

- Better API for instantiating Workers. Thanks RyanMTB!
- Better support for unicode kwargs. Thanks nealtodd and brownstein!
- Workers now automatically cleans up job registries every hour
- Jobs in `FailedQueue` now have their statuses set properly
- `enqueue_call()` no longer ignores `ttl`. Thanks mbodock!
- Improved logging. Thanks trevorprater!

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