
Latest version: v1.16.2

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* Worker now properly releases scheduler lock when run in burst mode. Thanks selwin!


* Workers now listen to external commands via pubsub. The first two features taking advantage of this infrastructure are `send_shutdown_command()` and `send_kill_horse_command()`. Thanks selwin!
* Added `job.last_heartbeat` property that's periodically updated when job is running. Thanks theambient!
* Now horses are killed by their parent group. This helps in cleanly killing all related processes if job uses multiprocessing. Thanks theambient!
* Fixed scheduler usage with Redis connections that uses custom parser classes. Thanks selwin!
* Scheduler now enqueue jobs in batches to prevent lock timeouts. Thanks nikkonrom!
* Scheduler now follows RQ worker's logging configuration. Thanks christopher-dG!


* Scheduler now uses the class of connection that's used. Thanks pacahon!
* Fixes a bug that puts retried jobs in `FailedJobRegistry`. Thanks selwin!
* Fixed a deprecated import. Thanks elmaghallawy!


* Fixes for Redis server version parsing. Thanks selwin!
* Retries can now be set through job decorator. Thanks nerok!
* Log messages below logging.ERROR is now sent to stdout. Thanks selwin!
* Better logger name for RQScheduler. Thanks atainter!
* Better handling of exceptions thrown by horses. Thanks theambient!


* Failed jobs can now be retried. Thanks selwin!
* Fixed scheduler on Python > 3.8.0. Thanks selwin!
* RQ is now aware of which version of Redis server it's running on. Thanks aparcar!
* RQ now uses `hset()` on redis-py >= 3.5.0. Thanks aparcar!
* Fix incorrect worker timeout calculation in SimpleWorker.execute_job(). Thanks davidmurray!
* Make horse handling logic more robust. Thanks wevsty!


* Added `job.get_position()` and `queue.get_job_position()`. Thanks aparcar!
* Longer TTLs for worker keys to prevent them from expiring inside the worker lifecycle. Thanks selwin!
* Long job args/kwargs are now truncated during logging. Thanks JhonnyBn!
* `job.requeue()` now returns the modified job. Thanks ericatkin!

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