
Latest version: v1.16.2

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* **BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE**: synchronous execution of jobs now correctly mimics async job execution. Exception is no longer raised when a job fails, job status will now be correctly set to `FAILED` and failure callbacks are now properly called when job is run synchronously. Thanks ericman93!
* Fixes a bug that could cause job keys to be left over when `result_ttl=0`. Thanks selwin!
* Allow `ssl_cert_reqs` argument to be passed to Redis. Thanks mgcdanny!
* Better compatibility with Python 3.10. Thanks rpkak!
* `job.cancel()` should also remove itself from registries. Thanks joshcoden!
* Pubsub threads are now launched in `daemon` mode. Thanks mik3y!


* You can now enqueue jobs from CLI. Docs [here](https://python-rq.org/docs/#cli-enqueueing). Thanks rpkak!
* Added a new `CanceledJobRegistry` to keep track of canceled jobs. Thanks selwin!
* Added custom serializer support to various places in RQ. Thanks joshcoden!
* `cancel_job(job_id, enqueue_dependents=True)` allows you to cancel a job while enqueueing its dependents. Thanks joshcoden!
* Added `job.get_meta()` to fetch fresh meta value directly from Redis. Thanks aparcar!
* Fixes a race condition that could cause jobs to be incorrectly added to FailedJobRegistry. Thanks selwin!
* Requeueing a job now clears `job.exc_info`. Thanks selwin!
* Repo infrastructure improvements by rpkak.
* Other minor fixes by cesarferradas and bbayles.


* Added success and failure callbacks. You can now do `queue.enqueue(foo, on_success=do_this, on_failure=do_that)`. Thanks selwin!
* Added `queue.enqueue_many()` to enqueue many jobs in one go. Thanks joshcoden!
* Various improvements to CLI commands. Thanks rpkak!
* Minor logging improvements. Thanks clavigne and natbusa!


* Jobs that fail due to hard shutdowns are now retried. Thanks selwin!
* `Scheduler` now works with custom serializers. Thanks alella!
* Added support for click 8.0. Thanks rpkak!
* Enqueueing static methods are now supported. Thanks pwws!
* Job exceptions no longer get printed twice. Thanks petrem!


* You can now declare multiple job dependencies. Thanks skieffer and thomasmatecki for laying the groundwork for multi dependency support in RQ.
* Added `RoundRobinWorker` and `RandomWorker` classes to control how jobs are dequeued from multiple queues. Thanks bielcardona!
* Added `--serializer` option to `rq worker` CLI. Thanks f0cker!
* Added support for running asyncio tasks. Thanks MyrikLD!
* Added a new `STOPPED` job status so that you can differentiate between failed and manually stopped jobs. Thanks dralley!
* Fixed a serialization bug when used with job dependency feature. Thanks jtfidje!
* `clean_worker_registry()` now works in batches of 1,000 jobs to prevent modifying too many keys at once. Thanks AxeOfMen and TheSneak!
* Workers will now wait and try to reconnect in case of Redis connection errors. Thanks Asrst!


* Added `job.worker_name` attribute that tells you which worker is executing a job. Thanks selwin!
* Added `send_stop_job_command()` that tells a worker to stop executing a job. Thanks selwin!
* Added `JSONSerializer` as an alternative to the default `pickle` based serializer. Thanks JackBoreczky!
* Fixes `RQScheduler` running on Redis with `ssl=True`. Thanks BobReid!

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