
Latest version: v1.16.2

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Not secure
(August 23th, 2013)

- Some more fixes in command line scripts for Python 3


Not secure
(August 20th, 2013)

- Bug fix in setup.py


Not secure
(August 20th, 2013)

- Python 3 compatibility (Thanks, Alex!)

- Minor bug fix where Sentry would break when func cannot be imported


Not secure
(June 17th, 2013)

- `rqworker` and `rqinfo` have a `--url` argument to connect to a Redis url.

- `rqworker` and `rqinfo` have a `--socket` option to connect to a Redis server
through a Unix socket.

- `rqworker` reads `SENTRY_DSN` from the environment, unless specifically
provided on the command line.

- `Queue` has a new API that supports paging `get_jobs(3, 7)`, which will
return at most 7 jobs, starting from the 3rd.


Not secure
(February 26th, 2013)

- Fixed bug where workers would not execute builtin functions properly.


Not secure
(February 18th, 2013)

- Worker registrations now expire. This should prevent `rqinfo` from reporting
about ghosted workers. (Thanks, yaniv-aknin!)

- `rqworker` will automatically clean up ghosted worker registrations from
pre-0.3.6 runs.

- `rqworker` grew a `-q` flag, to be more silent (only warnings/errors are shown)

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