
Latest version: v1.16.2

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Initial release.


* Added support for Django 5.0. Thanks selwin!
* Fixed an error in Python 3.12. Thanks selwin!
* Fixes an issue that may happen if Redis port is not specified. Thanks terencehonles!


* Fixed packaging issues with 2.10.0.


* Added `rqworker-pool` management command. Thanks chromium7!
* Compatibility with Django 5.0. Thanks perry!
* The scheduler now defaults to db 0. Thanks bennylope!


* Added an option to delete all failed jobs. Thanks chromium7!
* You can now specify `SERIALIZER` option while declaring queues in `settings.py` Thanks sophcass!
* Updated templates to match newer versions of Django admin's styling. Thanks nikhilweee!
* Don't show `Empty Queue` button on registry pages. Thanks selwin!


* Added a button to stop currently running jobs. Thanks gabriels1234!
* Added a failed jobs column to rqstats command. Thanks dangquangdon!
* Explicitly requires RQ >= 1.14 in `setup.py`. Thanks selwin!

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