
Latest version: v1.16.2

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* Various admin interface improvements. Thanks selwin and atten!
* Improved Sentry integration. Thanks hugorodgerbrown and kichawa!


* Compatibility with RQ >= 1.4.0 which implements customizable serialization method. Thanks selwin!


* Added `--with-scheduler` argument to `rqworker` management command. Thanks stlk!
* Fixed a bug where opening job detail would crash if job.dependency no longer exists. Thanks selwin!


* Support for RQ's new `ScheduledJobRegistry`. Thanks Yolley!
* Improve performance when displaying pages showing a large number of jobs by using `Job.fetch_many()`. Thanks selwin!
* `django-rq` will now automatically cleanup orphaned worker keys in job registries. Thanks selwin!
* Site name now properly displayed in Django-RQ admin pages. Thanks tom-price!
* `NoSuchJobError`s are now handled properly when requeuing all jobs. Thanks thomasmatecki!
* Support for displaying jobs with names containing `$`. Thanks gowthamk63!


- Support for Django 3.0. This release also drops support for Django 1.X. Thanks hugorodgerbrown!
- `rqworker` management command now properly passes in `--verbosity` to `Worker`. Thanks stlk!
- The admin interface can now view jobs with `:` on their IDs. Thanks carboncoop!
- Job detail page now shows `job.dependency`. Thanks selwin!


- Fixed `Requeue All`
- Django-RQ now automatically runs maintenance tasks when `rq_home` is opened

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