AccelerationSmoother and VelocityMinimizingSmoother now use iterative least squares solvers on long sequences, instead of explicit methods.
We had a bug where GRF would assign to the nearest GRF body on each frame, irrespective of history. We were getting flickering on some walking data where GRF would reassign to the swing foot suddenly during swing as the GRF body on the swing foot came close to the CoP.
This release also fixes some CSV output bugs.
Checking before we attempt to `joint->getDof(0)` on weld joints in MarkerFitter.
This attempts to reduce jitter on pure IK results from MarkerFitter.
Also adds some warning outputs to OpenSimParser.
Updating OpenSimParser to correctly output inverse dynamics setup files, and fixing a few bugs.
Adding `OpenSimParser::saveOsimInverseDynamicsProcessedForcesXMLFile()` and `OpenSimParser::saveProcessedGRFMot()`