This fixes a bug where we were leaking built-in namespaces (like `math`) into the `nimblephysics` package.
This release creates a PyTorch `Dataset` class that handles dynamically loading in on-disk binary motion dynamics data as needed, called `MotionDynamicsDataset`.
Removing ARM-only headers in `SubjectOnDisk`, which were breaking the build.
This gets ready for training pipelines that use large amounts of motion data, and need to be able to page it in at random from disk to create batches.
Adding a zeroLinearResiduals() step DynamicsFitter::timeSyncAndInitializePipeline() to detect frames with missing forces.
This changes the Anthropometric Prior to define its keypoints relative to meshes rather than bodies, to be compatible with a wider array of weird skeleton configurations. Also fixing an indexing bug in DynamicsFitter indexing.