Prevent crashing on impossible inertia matrices, prevent IncompressibleCurveJoint producing NaN's at exactly PI/2 angles.
This fixes a few bugs with Anthropometrics. Most importantly, we no longer have unavailable measurements default to 0, instead we default to the mean in the dataset, so we don't accidentally skew covariances.
This adds support to the body of Nimble for the first-class scaling in biological joints: - ScapulathoracicJoint - EllipsoidJoint - ConstantCurvatureJoint - ConstantCurvatureIncompressibleJoint
This release adds a differentiable ScapulothoracicJoint, which can be loaded by the OpenSimParser from *.osim files.
This release should bring DynamicsFitter up to parity with what we need to run dynamics fitting in AddBiomechanics.
This adds a few API calls, and changes some signatures for DynamicsFitter.