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- Added: It is now possible to focus the game images in the "Games" tab via a Keyboard.
- Added: Experimental option under Generation -> Logic Settings that makes an early check if the game is unbeatable due to options such as starting location, transports etc.
- Changed: Wording on the Door Locks preset tab to be clearer.
- Changed: The main Randovania window now doesn't have an unnecessary border.
- Changed: The highlighted button in the cosmetic options is now `Accept` instead of `Reset to Defaults`.
- Changed: Node details in the Data Visualizer now have word wrap.


Logic Database

Main Caves

- Added: Mining Facility Alpha Nest Access now has a Spider Ball method of crossing the room from either side.
- Added: Mining Facility Gamma Nest Access now has a Spider Ball method of crossing the room from either side.

Metroid Dread

- Added: There is now a preset option for each region that will remove all of its light sources when enabled, making the game very dark.

Logic Database

- Fixed: A typo in the event name Artaria - Prepare Speedboost in Map Station has been changed from Prepare Speeboost in Map Station.
- Changed: Various locations listed below are altered in ways that improve the quality of generation and resolution. What is and isn't in logic should remain unchanged.


- Added: In White EMMI Introduction: Climb from Door to Teleport to Dairon (Lower) to Door to Teleport to Dairon (Thermal) by grapple-jumping on the falling magnet platform.
- Added: It is now logical to blow up the Proto EMMI blob in Melee tutorial from the right, with Wave Beam, Diffusion beam or a Pseudo Wave Beam (Intermediate) using Morph Ball, Wide Beam and Charge Beam.
- Changed: The logic surrounding the Single Use Slide in EMMI Zone Dome now makes it so that the event nodes remain logically accessible after collecting the event.
- Changed: It is now logical to go back to the event node for blowing up the Proto EMMI Blob from the right.


- Changed: It is now considered logical to go back into Kraid's area using the normal entrance after defeating Kraid, if all the blobs necessary to go around have been blown up.


- Changed: The logic in the Freezer is changed so that traversing the right part of the room ignores the dangerousness of turning on the Freezer generator. Meanwhile, all connections in the left part of the room that can be used before turning on the generator now require Highly Dangerous Logic.


- Changed: It is now logical to go back to the event node for flipping the Super Missile Rotatable from the tunnel under it.
- Changed: It is now logical to go back to the event node for lowering the Super Missile Spider Magnet from the tunnel under it.

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

- Changed: Double Damage is now classified as a Beam instead of a Suit.
- Fixed: Typo in the Differences tab.
- Added: FAQ entry for light beam transport requirements.

Logic Database

Agon Wastes

- Added: Mining Station B: Hypermode method to open the portal without Space Jump Boots or Morph Ball Bombs.

Torvus Bog

- Added: Torvus Grove: Two expert difficulty methods to cross the upper part of this room without Space Jump Boots.
- Added: Torvus Plaza: Using Boost Ball and standables to reach the pickup without Spider or Screw Attack.

Sanctuary Fortress

- Added: Worker's Path: Advanced bomb jumps to get to the cannon platforms NSJ.
- Added: Grand Abyss: Expert extended dashes and standables to cross from the Vault side to the Watch Station side.

Ing Hive

- Added: Hive Dynamo Works: Advanced/Expert NSJ Extended Dashes to go across the gap with the grapple point.
- Added: Hive Entrance: Expert inbounds method to get to the item without Light Suit.
- Changed: Temple Security Access: Crossing the room after the gates have been triggered with only Screw Attack no longer requires Screw Attack at Z-Axis.

Metroid: Samus Returns

- **Major** - Added: Split beams and suits. When playing with non-progressive beams or suits, each individual upgrade provides a unique effect instead of providing the effects of all previous upgrades. For suits, protection against lava requires having both suits, whereas Gravity on its own just provides reduced damage and free movement.
- Changed: The hinted item after collecting the last required DNA is now dependent on the final boss. The Baby Metroid is hinted for Proteus Ridley, the Ice Beam for Metroid Queen and the Bomb for Diggernaut.
- Fixed: Prevented the block with a hidden item in Area 4 Central Caves - Transit Tunnel from being destroyed from another area, causing the item disappear.
- Fixed: Incorrect rotation of a progressive item if the previous stage of the progressive item was received without leaving the area.
- Fixed: Once you have collected all Metroid DNA, when traveling from Surface West to Surface East, a message will always appear asking if you want to fight Proteus Ridley or not. Canceling the message will load Surface East like normal. This is to prevent Surface East from being potentially inaccessible if the only entry point is from Surface West.
- Fixed: Issue where reloading an area would retain the disconnected status regardless if the disconnect message was displayed or not.

Logic Database

Area 4 Central Caverns

- Added: Transport to Area 3 and Crystal Mines: A beginner Spider Ball Clip to reach the elevator to Crystal Mines from the bottom Chozo Seal with Space Jump.

Area 5 Tower Exterior

- Added: Tower Exterior Spider Ball Clip added to traverse from Next to Teleporter to Pickup (Super Missile Tank Bottom).


- Added: Experimental preset option to place all majors or pickups logically. This makes sure pickups that are not required can be collected.
- Fixed: The map tracker no longer opens if the starting location prompt was cancelled.

Metroid Prime

- Changed: The refill pickups don't show the irrelevant explanation about how much underlying ammo will be provided.

Logic Database

Tallon Overworld

- Fixed: Artifact Temple - Using the Artifact Temple Transport now expects Ridley to be defeated first.

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

- Fixed: Error when splitting or unsplitting Beam Ammo Expansions when there are a total 0 Beam Ammo expansions.

Metroid: Samus Returns

Logic Database

Area 2 Dam Exterior

- Added: Spike Ravine - Collecting the pickup from below with High Jump Boots, Super Jump (Expert), and Unmorph Extend (Advanced).

Area 5 Tower Exterior

- Fixed: Starting in Screw Attack Chamber now places Samus in the correct room.


Cave Story

- Fixed: Curly's item in Plantation is now always sent in multiworld
- Changed: Loading a save in Jail no. 1 will now remove the block if the chest has been opened
- Changed: The helper block in Grasstown to return from east to west has been lowered by one block to make the jump easier
- Fixed: The helper block in Grasstown always spawns when it is supposed to
- Fixed: Freeware no longer crashes when alt-tabbing in fullscreen mode
- Fixed: Teleporter icons in Arthur's House now always appear in the correct order
- Fixed: Music randomization in Outer Wall now works regardless of which way you entered the room
- Added: Ikuyo and kl3cks7r have been added to the ingame credits


- Added: When exporting a game fails, for certain cases Randovania will now verify your input files for bad files. This is supported by Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime 2: Echoes.
- Added: Drag and dropping a preset file into the main window now imports it.
- Added: Options to alert the user via flashing the taskbar/playing a sound when generation completes in the Preferences menu.
- Added: Show confirmation dialog when deleting a world in Multiworld.
- Added: Show confirmation dialog when closing the main window or multiplayer session window while generation is in progress.
- Fixed: When editing the preset description after another change in a preset, the cursor position is now retained.
- Fixed: Closing the multiplayer session window while generation is in progress will now abort the generation.

Door Lock Randomizer

- Added: Experimental option that changes Door Lock Rando so that when determining which types a door can be randomized into, the algorithm searches for either side of the door using the resolver. This means some doors are more likely to have locks on them. Generation will also be faster.


- Changed: DNA hints are now sorted. If the DNA is for your own world, it is sorted based on the region, otherwise alphabetically based on the World name.

Metroid Dread

Logic Database


- Added: In Main Hub Tower Bottom: Get from Water Space Jump Platform to Alcove Across Grapple Block with just Gravity Suit and Movement (Beginner).
- Added: In Main Hub Tower Bottom: Get from Alcove Across Grapple Block to Door to Energy Recharge South with Gravity Suit, Morph Ball and Single-wall Wall Jump (Intermediate).


- Changed: In Early Grapple Room: The second Slide Jump has been upgraded from Beginner to Advanced.
- Changed: In Early Grapple Room: Using Cross Bomb to cross the right gap is now under Movement (Beginner).
- Changed: In Early Grapple Room: It is now logical to get from the Door to Transport to Artaria to Door to Early Grapple Access by using just Movement (Beginner) to jump off the slope and into the tunnel, then jump into the tunnel at the end.


- Added: Wall Jump (Beginner) to get from Cold Room (Storm Missile Gate) to Wave Beam Tutorial.
- Changed: Opening the Storm Missile Gate in Cold Room now requires Screw Attack.
- Changed: Getting back to the door to Energy Recharge Station after opening the Storm missile Gate now accounts for needing two units of Power Bomb ammo.

Metroid Prime

- Added: A feature that removes the Boost Ball bars obstacle in Tallon Overworld's Great Tree Hall, allowing free movement between the lower and upper levels of the room.
- Changed: Damage Reduction for Starter Preset and Moderate Challenge is now set to Additive.
- Changed: Missile Blast Shields have received some Quality of Life changes: they now automatically open the door when broken, even from behind, as well as being two-way if the opposite side was a normal door.
- Fixed: Setting Screen Brightness in the cosmetic settings mismatching with what appears in-game.

Logic Database

- Changed: The Varia-only heat reduction is now done via a miscellaneous resource rather than being patched at runtime.
- Changed: Going through Morph Ball Doors doesn't require the ability to shoot a beam anymore.

Tallon Overworld

- Added: Reverse Frigate now requires Knowledge (Beginner) in every room where the door usually requires activating Thermal Conduits from the other side.

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

- Removed: The "Fewest Changes" preset was removed.

Logic Database

- Fixed: All Seeker Doors without Seekers tricks have been moved into the dock override section thus allowing the corresponding doors to get shuffled in door type rando. To find the requirements of a seeker skip, look in the description of the corresponding dock node in the data visualiser.

Metroid: Samus Returns

- Fixed: When Arachnus is configured to be the final boss, logic now requires collecting all DNA.


- Fixed: Exporting Metroid Prime 2: Echoes games when the "Coin Chest" model is used now works.


- Changed: The "Customize Preset" window has been given a visual overhaul.
- Changed: Filtering in the Generation Order tab is now case-insensitive.
- Changed: The Area View of the Data Visualizer now always has a dark gray background to help with readability.
- Changed: The progress bar in the Main Window and Game Details window is now in a status bar and only displayed when relevant.
- Fixed: When an error during exporting occurs, the progress bar will now reset.


- Fixed: Some seeds being considered impossible when finding a progressive item in an area where a later item in the progressive chain is required to leave.


- Changed: Adjusted the spacing of the Hints and Goal entries to be more consistent with other entries.
- Fixed: An error appearing when going to the Pipe rando preset page with the Depths pipes disabled.

Logic Database

- Fixed: The Hideout<->Bubble lair Depths pipes being on the wrong layer.

Golden Temple

- Fixed: Guardian Arena: IBJing up to Guardian Storage now requires Morph Ball.

Hydro Station

- Fixed: Breeding Grounds Entrance: Using Mid Air Morph to get to the upper part now requires Morph Ball.

Industrial Complex

- Fixed: Senjoo Settlement: Using Morph Glides to go from the Gamma Nest to the exterior now requires Morph Ball.

The Tower

- Fixed: Tower Exterior South East: Getting to the upper Gamma Nest ledge with Shinesparking and Morph Ball now requires a Beginner Morph Glide instead of an Intermediate Mid Air Morph and also requires Morph Ball.
- Fixed: Tower Exterior North East: Getting to the Plasma Beam Chamber Access door from below with Morph is now correctly classified as a Morph Glide instead of a Mid Air Morph and also requires Morph Ball.
- Fixed: Tower Exterior North East: Getting to the Save Station from the Zeta tunnel with Morph is now correctly classified as a Morph Glide instead of a Mid Air Morph and also requires Morph Ball.
- Fixed: Exterior Zeta Nest East Access: IBJing to the ceiling to get across from the Zeta Nest to the Exterior requires Infinite Bomb Propulsion.

Distribution Center

- Fixed: Distribution Center Exterior East: Climbing the room with High Jump and Morph Gliding now requires Morph Ball.
- Fixed: Distribution Facility Tower East: Morph Gliding over the little gap at the top now requires Morph Ball.
- Fixed: Distribution Facility Tower East: Walljumping and Morph Gliding from the bottom pipe to the middle pipe now requires Morph Ball.
- Fixed: Ice Beam Chamber Access: Mid Air Morphing into the pipe now requires Morph Ball.

The Depths

- Fixed: Bubble Lair Shinespark Cave: Climbing the upper part of the room with Walljumps and Morph Glides now requires Morph Ball.

Genetics Laboratory

- Fixed: Laboratory Entrance: Climbing the room with Walljumps and Morph Glides now requires Morph Ball.
- Fixed: Laboratory Spiked Hall: Morph Gliding across the room now requires Morph Ball.

Cave Story

- Changed: The Objective preset entry doesn't enforce a minimum size anymore.
- Changed: Adjust spacing on the HP preset entry.

Metroid Dread

- Fixed: Common case where an invalid input RomFS was considered valid.

Metroid Dread

Logic Database


- Changed: The trick to pull the Grapple Block in Energy Recharge Station (Gate) using only Power Bombs to break the Bomb Blocks has been upgraded to Movement (Intermediate).
- Changed: The trick to pull the Grapple Block in Energy Recharge Station (Gate) using only Normal Bombs to break the Bomb Blocks has been upgraded to Movement (Advanced).

Metroid Prime
- Added: The Data Visualizer now shows an Area View.
- Changed: Artifact, Phazon Suit, and Missile Expansion generation weights adjusted resulting in more even item-location probability distribution.

Logic Database

- Added: 3 Videos added to the logic database.

Chozo Ruins

- Added: In Furnace: Add comments that the standable climb up the spider track does not work on PAL.
- Added: In Furnace: Add Bomb Space Jump method for climbing the spider track on the West Furnace side.

Impact Crater

- Added: In Metroid Prime Lair: Require Combat Visor for Essence fight unless Invisible Objects is set to Advanced.

Tallon Overworld

- Added: In Tallon Canyon: Climb to the top of the half-pipe via one of the following: Intermediate Standable, Beginner BSJ, Intermediate Dash, or Intermediate Slope Jump.
- Added: In Tallon Canyon: Beginner Knowledge to break blocks with Power Bombs.
- Added: In Tallon Canyon: Advanced Wall Boost to climb the room from Gully.
- Added: In Gully: Beginner Standables to climb the room.

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

- Added: Colorblind-friendly textures for Main Gyro Chamber.
- Changed: Updated tournament winners scan text for Echoes 2024.

Metroid: Samus Returns

- Added: Multiworld and item tracker support for console.
- Fixed: Rare case of the connector not being able to reconnect until Randovania is restarted.
- Fixed: Speed Booster offworld not displaying correctly for Metroid Dread.
- Fixed: Map tracker could not be opened if the final boss is Ridley.
- Changed: The preset entry for Aeion and Energy are now combined into one.
- Changed: The preset entries for the Goal and Hints don't enforce a minimum size anymore.
- Changed: Adjust spacing on the Elevator preset entry.
- Changed: Instead of a path to the RomFS, you now need to provide a decrypted 3ds, cia, cxi or app rom file.
- Removed: Requirement to provide the ExHeader for multiworld.
- Removed: Selection of PAL or NTSC region. This is automatically determined by the provided rom file.

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