
Latest version: v8.6.1

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- The water turbine will now play the "water gets sucked out" cutscene like in vanilla if it is in the vanilla location.
- Forced Power Bomb drops in Thoth rooms with bomb blocks if you have none.
- Forced Super Missile drops in the A3 room near the EMP room if you have none.

- If softlock prevention is on, then the shoot blocks in the bg3 bottom gamma room will be replaced by bomb chains in order to make logic less confusing and cause less issues for future entrance rando.
- Error messages to be more detailed

- The A5 activation cutscene looking janky if cutscene skips were on.
- Water Turbines will not magically respawn if you have passed throguh them.
- The Screw Attack blocks being existant but invisible if you leave from the A3/A4 pipe rooms with the "Have screw attack blocks before pipe" option.
- Items properly changing on the minimap, if an item and Metroid share the same minimap tile.
- Ammo doors being incorrectly locked in boss arenas.
- Music shuffle crashing


- When coming from the right side in drill excavation side, the drill event will be marked as done, thus allowing an escape should mines be your starting location.


- Suppoer for Progressive Jumps (Hijump -> Space Jump) and Progressive Suits (Varia -> Gravity).

- Logbook names for hints having cases where they aren't synced up with Randovania's region names.
- Water turbines / water level respawning with vanilla water turbines.


- Hidden models to use a new distinct/hidden sprite, instead of using the nothing sprite.
- Skipping the Save Cutscene to be a different option, instead of being coupled to Skip Gameplay Cutscenes.
- ImageSharp dependency to be more recent.
- The Skip Gameplay cutscees option will also skip the baby cutscene and A5 activation cutscene.

- Water turbines not blocking you to be able to go through the transition if they're placed on the edges of a room.
- Some water turbine bugs if it wasn't randomized.
- Serris being able to permalock you.
- ELM being bugged.
- Some issues when starting with ammo.
- Issues when revisting boss rooms (Arachnus, Torizo and other rooms).


- Soids to destroyed water turbines if they're on room bounds, so you cannot completely freeze the game by zipping.
- Music rando.

- EMP Battery slots to activate instantly rather than having to wait ~1.5 seconds.

- The "Water Turbine Station" room never having any water and the water fans not being hittable, if the vanilla water turbine was shuffled and the room was entered from the top.
- Right facing water turbines not being hittable with bombs.
- All water turbines being gone from the game once you entered "Water Turbine Station" from below.
- Helper Septoggs despawning under certain conditions.
- Shoot block existing in "Ice Beam Chamber Access" if "Softlock Prevention" is on.
- Crashes when spawning in a room with water turbine doors.
- The doors in Serris Arena not locking correctly in Door Lock Rando.


- Doors to shine brighter in the dark.

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