* Updated to new OpenFL logo and icon
* Install hxcpp instead of hxlibc during setup
* Now openfl.gl.GL accepts both Array<Float> and Float32Array values, where appropriate
* Implemented "cullFace" in openfl.gl.GL, as well as other minor fixes
* Fixed lime_bitmap_data_set_flags to use the right number of parameters
* Fixed a position offset error in openfl.utils.UInt8Array
* Implemented "followRedirects" in flash.net.URLLoader, still true by default
* Implemented "responseHeaders" in flash.net.HTTPStatusEvent
* Set hxcpp critical errors to throw in Haxe instead of stderr in debug builds
* Fix (possible) infinite loop in flash.display.BitmapData.floodFill
* Fix bounds calculation for display objects
* Added Event.ACTIVATE and Event.DEACTIVATE when leaving/entering window
* Added "copyFrom" and "setTo" for flash.geom.Matrix
* Added "copyFrom" to flash.geom.Rectangle and fixed internal "expand" method
* Copied additional classes from "openfl-html5-dom"
* Changed flash.display.DisplayObject to allow override of more core properties
* Skipped creation of a canvas for flash.display.Graphics with a size of zero
* Improved the "transform.matrix" property for flash.display.DisplayObject
* Created a DOM render path (use -Ddom while compiling or <haxedef name="dom" />)
* Silenced keyLocation warnings on certain browsers
* Toggling canvas smoothing based upon "smoothing" value of flash.display.Bitmap
* Added "unload" to flash.net.Loader and "invalidate" to flash.display.Stage
* Fixed issue when using "drawTiles" with tiles with a width or height <= 0
* Fixed "rect" for flash.display.BitmapData
* Switched from Howler.js to SoundJS for audio backend
* Implemented support for automatically embedding of webfonts
* Disabled "image drag" behavior in Firefox
* Added support for older Haxe releases, tested on Haxe 3.1, possibly compatible with 3.0
* Added Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE event for the document class
* Populating the "content" property of flash.display.Loader
* Added flash.events.FocusEvent support
* Consistency fixes to the event capture/target/bubble implementation
* Fixed bubbling for manually dispatched events
* Made KeyboardEvents dispatch through the currently focused object
* Added initial "scrollRect" support for flash.display.DisplayObject
* Fixed bounds checking for objects that have an alpha of 0 but are visible
* Added initial support for bitmap fill matrix in flash.display.Graphics