* Added a new "asset library" system
* Added Assets isLocal, exists, getPath
* Added Assets loadBitmapData, loadFont, loadSound
* Added Assets loadText, loadBytes
* Added Assets.cache.enabled
* Starting caching fonts and sounds in addition to BitmapData
* Added Tilesheet getTileCenter, getTileRect, getTileUVs
* Improved the "openfl rebuild" command
* Made it easier to override default OpenFL backends
* Added support for middle and right mouse events
* Moved to SDL2 and OpenAL on Windows, Mac and Linux
* Moved to OpenAL on Android
* Created a new Android extension system
* Added 64-bit Neko support
* Added additional iOS icon sizes
* Added JNI.createInterface
* Fixed --no-traces on Android
* Fixed NMEFont, renamed to AbstractFont
* Fixed ByteArray.readUTFBytes on Neko
* Made the Android permissions dynamic
* Added a non-op SharedObject.close for compatibility
* Fixed support of dead-code elimination
* Fixes for SoundChannel
* Improved flash.net.Socket
* Fixed target/relatedObject for MOUSE_OVER events
* Added flash.events.UncaughtErrorEvents
* Added Point.setTo
* Added "target" support in Lib.getURL
* Fixed `<assets path="" embed="true" />`
* Fixed getObjectUnderPoint when using scaled bitmaps
* Fixed SoundChannel Event.SOUND_COMPLETE
* Moved to a standard trace(), removed override