* Updated Lime to 5.7.*
* Added initial Dockerfile script
* Added initial support for ATF cubemap textures
* Improved native `TextField` rendering to use native text layouts directly
* Improved support for combining characters in native `TextField` rendering
* Improved word-wrapping when the final character in a line is a space
* Improved the performance of `cacheAsBitmap` objects significantly
* Improved `Vector` to support `new Vector<Int>([1,2,3])` initialization
* Fixed incorrect trimming of final line character when "\n" is used
* Fixed the color order of `ColorMatrixFilter` on certain targets
* Fixed the position of `graphics.drawTriangles` shape rendering
* Fixed casting of `Vector<T>` to `Vector<Dynamic>` on C++ target
* Fixed proper serialization of `openfl.Vector` on HTML5
* Fixed setting of `byteArray.position` value if `byteArray.length` is smaller
* Fixed `XMLSocket` to send `DataEvent` based on `String` message boundaries
* Fixed some issues in `textField.setTextFormat`
* Fixed the behavior of `context3D.setStencilActions` on OpenGL
* Fixed minor build issues when using Haxe 4 prerelease builds