* Fixed an issue where the Flash preloader could dispatch complete multiple times * Fixed a regression in processing SWF assets for Haxelib releases * Fixed an issue with stenciling on Stage3D projects that use display list masks * Fixed the value of `ExternalInterface.objectID` on single HTML5 embeds
* Updated to Lime 7.0.0 (with backward support for Lime 6.4) * Merged doc sources into runtime sources for better display server support * Removed generated documentation from NPM releases to make them smaller * Added support for `readObject` and `writeObject` in `openfl.net.Socket` * Improved native font auto-hinting (disabled when `sharpness = 400`) * Improved performance by dispatching mouse move events more sparingly * Improved state management between `Stage3D` and display list rendering * Improved object cleanup when removing children and using DOM rendering * Improved OpenGL rendering when mask objects are on a half-pixel * Fixed support for multiple `BitmapData` inputs in a custom shader * Fixed GL `cacheAsBitmap` and `bitmapData.draw` rendering that uses masks * Fixed `openfl.net.Socket` to not block while connecting * Fixed support for `MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER` events when not using `ROLL_OUT` * Fixed renderer support for `bitmap.opaqueBackground` * Fixed `FullScreenEvent` to dispatch with the proper boolean value * Fixed the behavior of `copyColumn` and `copyRow` in `Matrix` * Fixed a small memory leak when using multiple textures in GL `Tilemap` * Fixed ability to `preventDefault` on `TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT` events * Fixed missing dispatch of `TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT` in some cases * Fixed minor issues in `textField.getFirstCharInParagraph` * Fixed minor issues in `textField.getParagraphLength` * Fixed optimizations in `EventDispatcher` if dispatch is re-entrant * Fixed missing `Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE` event for SWF-based children * Fixed fullscreen exit event to properly dispatch on HTML5 target * Fixed minor issues in the behavior of `bitmapData.draw` * Fixed `-Dtelemetry` to properly enabled advanced-telemetry on Flash * Fixed `loader.loaderInfo.width` and `height` values when loading bitmaps * Fixed a regression in setting `stage.color` to 0 * Fixed the orientation of cube textures in Stage3D * Fixed "JPEG-XR+LZMA" warning to output instead of causing an error
* Added `tile.blendMode` and `tilemap.tileBlendModeEnabled` * Added `netStream.dispose()` and improved `netStream.close()` support * Improved buffer handling for OpenGL `Tilemap` rendering * Fixed default HTML5 template after Chrome passive event listener change * Fixed a regression in rendering of `TextFormatAlign.JUSTIFY` text * Fixed dispatching of `Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE` on document class in NPM builds * Fixed missing `loader.contentLoaderInfo.bytes` field * Fixed using `bitmapData.hitTest` against another `BitmapData` object * Fixed return value of `eventDispatcher.dispatchEvent()` when default is prevented * Fixed timing issue with multiple texture units in custom OpenGL shaders * Fixed `MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER`/`MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT` to dispatch in each event phase * Fixed some issues when using `-Dopenfl-power-of-two` textures * Fixed `stage.color` to mark rendering as dirty when changed * Fixed `openfl.net.Socket` on HTML5 to allow reading of input later
* Fixed a regression in the `TextField` input cursor
* Updated default window color depth to 32-bit (`<window color-depth="16" />` to revert) * Updated to create a depth buffer by default (`<window depth-buffer="false" />` to revert) * Improved the performance of little endian `ByteArray` `readFloat`/`readDouble` * Fixed a regression in the behavior of `textField.getTextFormat` * Fixed a regression in Stage3D texture uploads on HTML5
* Updated to Lime 6.4.* * Updated `file-saverjs` dependency on NPM to `file-saver` * Updated to avoid `implements Dynamic` since it is being removed in Haxe 4 * Added ES6 modules (as an alternative to the default CommonJS modules) * Added `openfl.utils.setTimeout` on NPM-based builds * Added `openfl.utils.Dictionary` for NPM builds * Added Gzip and Brotli min.js files for NPM builds * Improved the texture size used for rendering `TextField` * Improved behavior of `texture.uploadFromBitmapData` when the source is HTML5 canvas * Improved compilation on AS3 by including `flash.*` versions of OpenFL types * Improved extern types for NPM builds * Improved using generated SWF classes with dead-code elimination * Fixed initialization of the stencil/depth buffers when using Stage3D * Fixed the behavior of `textField.getTextFormat` to handle some edge cases * Fixed a regression in software bitmap filters for certain cases * Fixed cases where HTML5 would dispatch `MOUSE_LEAVE` instead of `RELEASE_OUTSIDE` * Fixed support for `Vector.<T>` on the AS3 target * Fixed a possible loop when dispatching `UncaughtErrorEvent` throws an error * Fixed `Lib.setTimeout` and `Lib.setInterval` to make the last argument optional * Fixed a possible `null` issue when hit-testing within `Sprite` * Fixed the default value for `vector.lastIndexOf` * Fixed some minor issues when forcing power-of-two textures * Fixed some edge cases in justified text word-wrapping * Fixed the behavior of the `displayObject.visible` property if it is overridden * Fixed behavior of setting Stage3D max anisotropy to invalidate less often * Fixed keyboard shortcuts to move text cursor to work only if selectable is true * Fixed a regression in the SWF generator when using it from Node.js