* Updated to Lime 7.6.*
* Improved `GlowFilter` with hardware shaders for inner and knockout glow
* Improved the memory used when using hardware filters
* Improved support for margins, `indent`, and `blockIndent` in `TextField`
* Improved AGAL item count in converted shaders
* Improved the performance of `TextField` when translating position
* Improved `BitmapData.fromTexture` to support `Texture` and `RectangleTexture`
* Improved the performance of `Tilemap` with multiple child containers
* Improved the hardware implementation of `DropShadowFilter`
* Improved performance of `bitmapData.copyPixels` on HTML5 using `alphaBitmapData`
* Improved rendering when using HTML5 -Ddom
* Fixed `scrollRect` rendering behavior
* Fixed a possible runtime error when using `VideoTexture`
* Fixed parsing issues when using `textField.htmlText`
* Fixed issues when selecting multiple lines of text in a `TextField`
* Fixed text styles following new-line breaks
* Fixed a parsing issue for AGAL conversion when referencing an indirect register
* Fixed dispatching of roll out and touch out events in some cases
* Fixed the behavior of alpha PNG and 8-bit lossless exports from SWF files
* Fixed culling when using `graphics.drawTriangles`
* Fixed issues where `Loader` did not fully unload previously loaded content
* Fixed `Loader` to properly disallow access to `DisplayObjectContainer` APIs
* Fixed multiple cases in `SimpleButton` where state was not changed properly