* Added the new MovieClip `Timeline` API for powering custom MovieClip frames and behaviors
* Added `shaderFilter.invalidate()` to force redraw of a filter if necessary
* Migrated OpenFL sources to a new package structure for better collaboration
* Migrated SWF support to an external library (using the new `Timeline` API)
* Improved `sprite.addChild` to reduce recursion and improve performance
* Improved the OpenGL implementation of glow, blur and drop shadow shaders
* Improved the behavior of `VideoTexture` upload and `TEXTURE_READY` events
* Improved double-click behavior on `TextField` to select a whole word
* Improved cancel behavior for `FocusEvent.KEY_FOCUS_CHANGE`
* Improved `sprite.buttonMode`+`focusRect` to dispatch `MouseEvent.CLICK` on space/up/enter
* Improved the automatic tab focus order for display objects
* Improved support for tab focus order on HTML5
* Fixed event dispatch from `NetStream` objects
* Fixed `touchEvent.isPrimaryTouchPoint` behavior for touch end, tap and cancel
* Fixed TextField rendering on Haxe 4 to use UTF-16 on platforms that need it
* Fixed support for AGAL highp precision
* Fixed additional drawn line in some `Graphics` commands
* Fixed _sans, _serif and _typewriter fonts for macOS Catalina
* Fixed the pixel rounding behavior for `Graphics` to be consistent with other objects
* Fixed setting `scrollV`/`scrollH` on `TextField` before dispatching `Event.SCROLL`
* Fixed `Std.is()` deprecation warnings using Haxe 4.2
* Fixed dispatch of `TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT` on DOM `TextField`